
Student Corner

The ‘Perfect’ Girl

Written by: Niharika Chapagain - 25006, Grade X

Posted on: 07 September, 2022

She walked down the street 
With confidence and her beauty 
Everyone liked at her 
and acted the way she pleased

Flawless smile and shiny hair 
With pretty eyes and pretty lies 
She was the perfection; the perfect girl 
a precious and graceful pearl  

But no one knew the actual miss perfect 
who was arrogant and filled with contempt 
Everyone saw her perfect side  
But in actual she was a devil, 
hiding inside 

Acting less human 
and more like a barbie doll 
Wealth, attention and perfection 
she wanted them all

She couldn’t have them 
Not all at once 
So she glanced in the mirror 
To see, of what she had become

She wanted to change 
And end it all 
For she wanted her own life 
Where she was real and not fake at all