
Student Corner

Being a Slave Of Mind

Written by: Suvani Karki Lamsal - 29055, Grade VI

Posted on: 07 September, 2022

12 hours per day. And time is controlled by our mind, isn't it?  Well our mind is the opposite side of conciseness. Mind is not always right nor is it bad every time. Mind doesn't think about what we need, instead it thinks about want.
Mind is  the most prioritised part of ourselves. Whether we agree or not it is bad for us to have a strong mind. First realise what the brain is? And what is mind. Really, I know how painful it can to be a slave of our mind. I also went for want, not for need. Which I regretted afterwards. Thankfully I have a great father who rescued me. Mind is a deep, deep hope filled with dirty mud waiting for you. Today we can see people murdering the second person, don't we? Yes, why? Because their conciseness is weaker than their mind.  Mind can do anything. Our mind  develops ego in us that can slowly destroy us in pieces. But it depends how we control our mind or how it controls us? Same thing applies in our daily life. Are we doing our work to finish it or trying to do it for ourselves? And that my friend is also decided by our mind. It does not matter how we are surviving our life, but without having your mind in control it's not going to turn out great. And I have seen it and I have realised it by now.
Mind is not supposed to control, it is supposed to help us but now it's our master. We do what our mind tells us to do, don't we? So, please first know who you are? And what is your life? And lastly, what are you doing?
Mind is a very useful slave but is a dangerous master as wel and a great personality said that how you that is how your mind reacts!