
Student Corner

Cave Painting

Written by: Snigdha Chaudhary - 30047, Grade V

Posted on: 06 September, 2022

Cave paintings were like wall art that our ancestors did back in the old days. They used flowers and all sorts of stuff to get the materials. Cave painting is considered one of the first manifestations of human-animal appreciation of beauty and depiction of the mystical or sacred side of life. One of the oldest cave paintings was located in Lubang Jeruji, and another was at Maltravieso. People also have a method for dating cave paintings, so if you wanted to know when a cave painting was made, you could use radiocarbon dating, but it would be harmful to the painting if it was based on uranium. Cave paintings are also called parietal art. Cave paintings are also made on the walls of caves. In cave paintings, our ancestors used to usually make pictures of animals or print their hands, or they used to make pictures of themselves hunting animals. The animals are usually boars, deer, goats, buffaloes, and elephants. Cave paintings are also considered to have a religious or symbolic function. They used to use charcoal and colour pigment to draw as well. ​​​​