
Student Corner

Are We Trapped?

Written by: Siddhartha Pandey - 24056, Grade XI

Posted on: 02 September, 2022

In today’s modern time, do you think you are proceeding according to your own free will? Are you there, reading this article because you wished to?
If we take a good look around, all we see is people struggling and working day in and day out for money; the main asset that takes you to your start line of whatever you want to pursue. But people spend their entire lives just grinding to get hold of that asset and instead of stepping into the start line after they have earned enough, it is already time to step out of life itself. This cycle of the linear proceeding where people just come here, work hard, and leave, is quite sickening to look at. There are other variations where one may not have had to struggle, or it was an easy way to the start line, or they couldn’t even make it to the start line. But my question is, from when did it become normal to chase after money for your entire life, and completely forget about that start line that awaits?
People have their own interests, things that they are absolutely mesmerized by; things that they want to learn deeply about- things that they want to spend their entire lives with. One may want to become a dancer and keep indulging in any occupation related to it their entire lives. Another may want to become a researcher of human psychology and keep meeting new people and keep helping them as long as he can. Having taken birth into this world, every person has something they want to dedicate their lives to. But these days people don’t even discover that special thing of theirs, either they discard it way too soon without even giving it a chance, all because their “circumstance” doesn’t let them. “The world is a cruel place that doesn’t provide for everybody.” People make do with just that and then proceed to an immensely monotonous life of no meaning. Saying that it isn’t possible, saying there are other things I need to take care of, I have responsibilities; the most hilarious one I know is- “I don’t have time for my interests”, are some of the many ropes that people are tied to. I agree that these bindings are unavoidable in today’s age where survival itself has become hard for people that aren’t rich. Can you imagine? Humanity progressed from the very beginning so as to make survival easy and comfortable but here we are again, trapped in the pit that we dug ourselves.
If we take a recap of all of human existence, all we’ve done is build this cage where one has nothing to think about; just a bland life to circle around. But there are these rare people who say that earning money is easy and have reached the start line on time and are exploring and enjoying what lies beyond it. They’ve got out of the sick trap that holds everybody down. They are living. What about you?