
Student Corner

Past and Present Time

Written by: Eshanee Manandhar - 28004, Grade VII

Posted on: 02 September, 2022

Our world has changed. Everything we see today is highly developed and technological compared to ancient times. After the stone age passed away, the agricultural age came, in which many things were invented that were used by people in either a good or a bad way. After the agricultural age ended, we got introduced to the new generation. We can also say that we are living in a technological era.
Ever since technology was invented, many people have gotten attached to their devices. We know that those devices or gadgets are really helpful, but using them 24/7 is not that good. We have also been noticing that people's mental health as well as their physical health have been changing. In my opinion, it is due to technology. People are very engaged with technology. In the past generation, people were very healthy and happy due to their physical work. In the past, people were engaged and hardworking, but now we have more leisure time and our lifestyle is easier; somehow we can thank technology for that.
In the past, people used to cure their diseases by using some natural remedies, and people were more attached to nature, but in the new era, people are isolated and attached to their devices. In the past, people were more brave, talented, and warrior-like compared to nowadays. Unlike in the past, many people have been found to be depressed these days. However, people nowadays have a comfortable and happy life due to technology, and I am sure these factors will make our lives even better in the future.