
Student Corner


Written by: Joya Shrestha - 25004, Grade X

Posted on: 01 September, 2022

My life has revolved around uncertain things. I wish I could color combine my stripes again. The dark clouds have surrounded my life again and I need to color those clouds by hook or by crook. I always did my best and in these years I learned that a dollar earned is far more than five pounds. These all things made me look forward to life rather than looking back at my failure.

I have been an average kid since childhood. The kid who was confident about herself who used to feel confident while dancing. But the confident kid never felt confident due to some bully and favoritism done by her teacher. She never got a chance to perform on parents’ day even though she was best at dancing. From nursery to grade 4 she never got one opportunity to perform in a single parents’ day nor in sports day. The confident kid never enjoyed going to school and never enjoyed her childhood. She never got grandparents' love and she does not know what grandparents love is. She grew up wishing to get some attention from someone from her family but she never did. She just learned to accept reality and move forward. She also learns to lose and also to enjoy winning. She had one person in her life that she used to love the most but she ended up losing her too and now she is in a better place called heaven. She was just learning to enjoy her life even though her life is full of tangled ropes. She never knew what love is. She just knewed to cry on her own shoulder when she is sad and to know that there's no shame in tears and it holds the power to earn some new energy. She was a person who never stayed away to learn. She used to solve mathematical problems whenever she felt low. She tried to give up a lot of time but she knew that for every bad thing there are good things and to never lose hope. She never said she has been suffering from anxiety or depression, she just knew that she needs to move forward in life rather than suffering and being lost in them. Not getting love and attention made her mentally and physically strong. Since her childhood she has not even had a friend. She was all alone, no one even not a family member on her side. No one to be her crying shoulder even knowing that he has been suffering a lot rather than helping her they bullied her even more.

Those bullies made her stronger. She found herself drowning in the lakes. The water was cold but she was calm. Trying her best to deal easily and calmly with all the problems rather than overthinking. She didn’t follow the crowd when everyone was getting on with the struggle. She was in peace with her loved one in the heavens, a piece of her heart, her mother, in heaven. Life is full of struggle and she knew that her whole struggle was a learning phase.