
Student Corner

Problem of Health sector in Nepal

Written by: Yunil Ghimire - 24050, Grade XI

Posted on: 31 August, 2022

Nepal is developing day by day, but still quite slowly compared to most of the countries in the world. Health sector is the most important sector that still needs to be developed properly here in Nepal. Because of the unequal distribution of Nepal’s population and developmental works, the health sector is quite messed up. Some of the places don't have a single health post while some places have more than needed.

Most of the health posts, hospitals are built in the cities of Nepal and the people who are living in villages are still waiting for small health posts to be built. There are around 30 million people living in Nepal and most of the people do not get required health check ups due to lack of hospitals in the rural and village areas. The city's area keeps on getting developed while the villages of Nepal are lacking behind the technology. In order to obtain the basic needs people from the corners of Nepal came to the cities such as Kathmandu, Pokhara. The people who have been diagnosed with some sort of diseases won’t be able to get treated if there is no health post/hospital in the village. The cities keep on getting over populated and in case of pandemics the beds of the hospitals get booked which results in the death of more people. This certain thing happened during the time of COVID. Most of the people were in Kathmandu to gain basic needs but due to overpopulation, the COVID patients had an only option to stay in their own house because most of the hospitals were packed.

Also overpopulation brings impacts to the environment because more products being made out of plastics are being used. This leads to pollution and the birth of various diseases. Most of the people from villages or rural areas do not know how to take care of their body. Even though they are suffering from various kinds of disease they will just ignore it until and unless it starts to harm them and cause pain to their body. At that time it already became late and some people passed away before getting any treatment. It is also our duty to inform people from rural areas about health education. Also, I think that in order to develop our country faster at first it is important for us to develop the health sector first and fast. So that the people of our country will be able to get good health check ups and have a great life.