
Student Corner


Written by: Bishakha Upadhayay - 30010, Grade V

Posted on: 29 August, 2022

Animals can’t complain, does that mean we can bully them?
Animals can’t speak, does that mean we can kill them?
Animals can’t be like humans, does that mean they are different?
Animals can’t walk on two legs, does that mean we can kill them?

We were all animals once, why can’t they understand?
The fact that hunting animals is a sin and crime, why can’t they stand?
Some live in the forest some live in water and sand,
All humans and animals have equal rights on this land.

We are all beautiful creatures with different characteristic,
But why do we humans hurt animals with a stick?
The food that we throw the poor animals lick,
No one wants to help them when they are sick,

Why are they kept in the zoo inside the cages?
They also have to go through life’s different stages!
Why can't we understand that god also wrote their life’s pages!
They also have to go through different ages.