
Student Corner

"If I were the prime minister of Nepal"

Written by: Pusparaj Dhungana - 24058, Grade XI

Posted on: 23 August, 2022

Nepal is a beautiful and developing country, as we are full of floras, faunas and possibilities that can make us to stand on the side of developed countries. But the main reason behind the lack of development of our country is corruption. Most of the political members of our country are corrupt and they don't do their work as they should do being in their position. In Nepal most of the political leaders do the development work when the election is near just to attract the voters. If they had invested that money for developmental works and for the betterment of the country then all the people would have voted for them and the nation might have developed too.

The first thing I would like to do once I will become a Prime minister is to suspend and put behind bars all the corrupted political members and the leaders from politics. In our nation there are many places where childrens are deprived from education, I will focus towards the improvisation on education sector. I would establish schools and colleges in such areas because education is very much important for the development of the nation and impliment free education for all. In Nepal many people are dying by not getting proper health treatment or facilities, mostly in rural areas. I will establish hospitals and enhance the tratment facilities in those places. I will also launch different camps related to the education sector, health sector and how to deal with the problems they are facing according to the situation and time. Nowadays there are many cases of rape in our society and which is increasing day by day from which women are insecure in our society and most of them are even far from getting justice. To control the rape cases I will make strict rules and regulations and will also focus on the right and timely justice for them. I will also initiate self-protectition trainings for women.

Nepal is a beautiful country but pollution is increasing day by day and was even listed as wtop polluted place to be in any country. Due to the over use of plastic materials, we are suffering from pollutions. I will help to establish companies who focuses on reuse and recycle. Nepal is also a best place for tourism and there are many places to visit in Nepal. I will also develop those places as a source for tourist attraction which helps to attract more foreigners and the foreign currency. I will also establish many companies and factories for the development of the country and to control the migration of the young brains and which create more jobs within the countries with better career opportunities.  

In conclusion If I were the Primeminister of the country I would develop our nation and make it one of the beautiful and advanced place to be, where people can live happily with peace and prosperiety.