
Student Corner


Written by: Bipan Sajwal - 24016, Grade XI

Posted on: 19 August, 2022

Taekwondo is a self defense technique.It is a world wide populated game. It is practiced in more than 190 countries. Taekwondo is the best, and one of the most systematic, scientific traditional martial art that teaches more than physical fighting skills.Taekwondo originated from Korea.

Gen.Choi Hong Hi is the founder of Taekwondo. He declared it as a self defense technique not a street fight technique.Taekwondo makes players very discipline.Taekwondo was included in olympics from 1988 AD. Taekwondo was created in part to renew Korean national sentiment and for this reason all of South Korea wanted to see this sport included in the Olympics. So, taekwondo was included in the Olympics. Not only in olympics, Taekwondo is included in SAAF games also.

Taekwondo is a very important game for self defense and it is popular all over the world. It can be seen in the curriculum of Taekwondo, which is recommended for men,women,and children. It benefits the nation, organization, and personal growth, vision, body development,and even mental stability. The goal of this martial art is to give a sense of self-esteem, knowledge of self-defense,heightened mental and physical well being.
It is one of the effective martial arts that teaches us to use all limbs as a weapon with an emphasis on fast kicks and punches.

Here are some of the benefits of Taekwondo:

Improved muscle tone and appearance.
Increased strength  and stamina.
Improved confidence and self-esteem.
Improved flexibility 
Relief body pain and mental stress
Improved leadership skill
Greater self-discipline

Practicing taekwondo is very good for our health. Taekwondo can even be practiced around the nation which can be beneficial in health and a motivating factor to gain medals in sports, which ultimately enhance the nations’ pride and reputation. We can take Lin Quinan as a true example of a taekwondo player who gained money and respect through taekwondo.

  • Taekwondo is a truly wonderful martial art to practice and a big reason for that is because it is a great form of exercise.This is a fighting sport that can make us better focused, disciplined and respected person, make us stronger, more flexible and physically fit and healthy too. So, I suggest everyone of our generation to practice Taekwondo for their overall growth.