
Student Corner

Healing Pond

Written by: Aadhya Shri Poudel - 30001, Grade V

Posted on: 17 August, 2022

In India, when king Ashok used to rule, he had a daughter. His daughter had a disease in which a person's body had many wounds. Because of this, nobody used to care and talk with her.One day the princess got tired, so she went to a guru and asked her to cure this disease. The guru advised her to go to the southern part of Nepal. There is a place named ‘Adi-nath’ and you can stay there by fasting. After finding out this, she went there. Without letting anyone know. There were no transportation facilities so she had to walk from India to the southern part of Kathmandu Valley to Adi-nath. When she reached Chobar, a place near Kathmandu. She saw an unusual activity which looked like a game. A lot of children were in a pond where there were many grasshoppers. Children caught the Grasshoppers take all their legs out and drop them back in the water and the same grasshopper would come back with all its legs in place. The princess thought OMG! This is a magical pond, so, from today I will stay here and bathe in this pond and also do fasting. After finishing her fast, her body became pure and she had no wounds.
After that, she thought she would not go back to India. She will stay here to help the people, clean the temple and talk about good things.
Back at the palace, the king found out she was in Nepal and went there to call her back to India, but the princess refused. She said “When I was back in the palace, you and your people did not care for me, hated me, disgusted me about my looks and did not accept me for who I am, now I am healthy and free of wounds, so, I am not going back”.  After that, the king left the princess in the temple.
Fact: She stayed in fasting from Kartik purnima to Mangsir purnima
according to the lunar calendar.