
Student Corner


Written by: Prasun Basnet - 27028, Grade VIII

Posted on: 16 August, 2022

Everyone in this world tries to achieve something big in comparison to others, we all try to decide it very easily but we do not do what should be done. We say to do it tomorrow or later but tomorrow never comes, to delay our tasks is called procrastination. And why even do people procrastinate? Procrastination is not a newly existing thing. Procrastination can be seen from hundreds of years ago. By research in a university when a scientist translated the old Egyptian language and found out that in 1400 B.C when people were building pyramids people used to procrastinate for their works and took a long time to complete their works. In today’s generation, half of earth 's population is procrastinating. And why do they even procrastinate?

We procrastinate while reading, doing projects or exercising but never procrastinate while scrolling on Instagram or watching videos on YouTube. We procrastinate those works which need effort but not when they entertain us or make us happy. Even deadlines play a vital role in it. For example if there is a project which should be submitted five days later and we procrastinate and do it till the final hours of it. And if there are no deadlines for any projects then procrastination limits can go out of limits or touch infinite. Procrastination leads a human being to depression, stress, anxiety and many more. We do not do our assignment and feel guilty but w if I had done it, I would be in some other mood at the moment.

Procrastination by different stages are balanced, they are- expectancy, need, need of affiliation, cumulative prospect. We do not procrastinate on those works which we can get in some days. A motivation for your work doesn’t come when you see a motivational video or speech, rather it comes when you feel the personal needs of your work. We even procrastinate when we have fear of failure. If we even know ourselves then we might not procrastinate. We should first consider the disadvantage factor of the task before tolerating procrastination. For example there is a project assigned to you in your job and notified that if you do not complete it you will be kicked out from the job, in this case you will not procrastinate and will do the work task without wasting time and giving all of your effort on it. Even if you feel that you can’t do well then go to the field in which you have confidence that you can do it, in this case procrastination will not be shown up. We are scared from failure because we have a disturbed mindset and ego roaming around us.

In a simple way we can say that the higher the time you procrastinate the more regrets you need to face and the less time you procrastinate the less regrets you should be facing or even no regrets when you are punctual or do not procrastinate. Distraction also has a big role in procrastination. Your phone, surroundings, social media are some of the examples of it. In a nutshell, procrastination can be the reason for a decent or normal living lifestyle in our future and not being a successful person. The points above can be followed to avoid distraction also.