
Student Corner


Written by: Aayaan Rai - 31006, Grade IV

Posted on: 16 August, 2022

Music is a form of entertainment that puts sounds together in a way that people find interesting. Most music includes people singing with their voices and playing instruments such as drums, etc. A person who makes music is called a musician.Music is organised by using rhythm and harmony. 
There are three things that music has most of the time:
1.Music has a pitch. 
2.Tunes are made of high and low notes. Music has rhythm. 
3. Music often has dynamics. It means if it is quiet or loud.
Even in the stone age, people made music. The first music was probably made by trying to imitate sounds.Some animals can also use music. Songbirds use music to defend their territory and attract mates.
The first musical instrument used by humans is definitely the voice. The human voice can produce different kinds of voices. The larynx is like a wind instrument.