
Student Corner

Is there a perfect love?

Written by: Anushree Acharya - 28002, Grade VII

Posted on: 15 August, 2022

What is a perfect love?
Is it like a dove? or stabs you,
hurts you,
Leave you all alone!
Letting the sun never to be shone,
It is like a knife,
Letting you live in fear for the rest of your life,
You look at your loved one,
Slipping away like the sun,
You stay there looking at it,
Your hands are tied,
Your eyes are tired,
Of losing the one they admire.
Your sadness has again begun,
It becomes a gun,
Which kills you from inside!
And to death it guide,
Now you may gain,
Another pain, 
In a grief from above,
So now, is there a perfect love?