
Student Corner

Merits and Demerits of Social Media

Written by: Aarashi Shakya - 24004, Grade XI

Posted on: 05 August, 2022

Social media has become a very significant tool in a person's life today. Through social media people get a chance to connect with each other wherever they are. It has made a global village possible in one way.Social media is being popular because of its user friendly features.In other words the whole world is at our fingertips all thanks to social media. The youth are the most dominant users of this platform. There are always two sides of a coin. Likewise there are merits and demerits of social media.
There are many positive aspects of social media. As social media has helped people connect.It has made education easy and possible. For example'"when we were facing covid getting education physically was impossible but due to these social media and internet online classes were available. We were able to continue our studies using various technology. Social media has also made the teaching and learning process easy,through platforms like google and youtube students can get what they need.
Furthermore,these days people are distancing themselves from newspapers,they are now being solely dependent on social media. Social media givesus updates about the latest incidents happening all around the world. A Person becomes more socially aware about the issue of the world. Most importantly, it strengthens bonds with your loved ones who are very far away from you. Distance is not a barrier any more because of social media.
Despite having aforementioned unique advantages, social media is considered to be a more harmful element of and for society. The use of social media should be closely monitored, if not then it can lead to grave consequences.Overuse of social media is very harmful because it invades your privacy like never before. Oversharing on social media makes a person a victim of cyberbullying by predators or hackers. Cyberbullying is an illegal act in which victims are mostly females and childrens.
Moreover, the youths and children get addicted to these social sites. So the sharing on social media especially by children should be closely monitored. Addiction with social  media is quite common among the youths.Addiction to Social media plays with a child's academic performance too. Students tend to spend their time on these sites rather than studying or researching academic stuff. It hampers their studies and results. Social media also creates fake news which poisons the mind of citizens.
In short, social media has both merits and demerits. If we use it properly then social media can be a blessing for youths. Youth should maintain a balance between their academic performance, physical activities and social media. We must learn to balance our activities and be focused on our most important things.