
Student Corner

Told her..

Written by: Niharika Chapagain - 25006, Grade X

Posted on: 04 August, 2022

Told her to wear dresses 
For she could be the prettiest of all
Forced her to wear high heels 
because she needed to be tall.  

Taught her how to dress up 
And what exactly to wear 
Told her if she needed a boy 
She had to change her way.

Told her to wear makeup and cover up her face 
For her natural skin was not okay
Told her to be skinny and feminine 
For her body was not hers anyway.  

But Alas, she didn’t like wearing dresses 
And neither could walk in heels 
She hated wearing makeup 
Because fake was what they made her feel.

At the end, she couldn’t satisfy you 
neither your expectations 
You told her she was worthless 
And that she was a disappointment.

But she is not an age 
Nor the type of clothes she wears
She is not a weight 
Nor the makeup she puts on.

She is just a person, 
Like you and me 
Only if you saw her soul  
And not her body.