
Student Corner

Small countries must be allowed to lead global affairs: An argument

Written by: Shubhashish Uprety - 24040, Grade XI

Posted on: 03 August, 2022

The short answer for me is no, a BIG no. It is quite simple actually, but not that simple. We must go into the depths of why a country is small in the first place. I’m using the word small as a metaphor, small as in underdeveloped, even poor perhaps or maybe lined with political and economic instability. To go in-depth to the following topic, we must know why a country is small or underdeveloped
A country becomes poor and undeveloped not because of the availability of its resources or the climate, but its leadership, education, and political stability, this was one of the main summaries of the book, “Why Nations Fail” by James Robinson. Even a small nation like Botswana with less than 100 graduates at the time of its independence is one of the best countries for security, education, and modern infrastructural beauty right now. Botswana is one of the many examples of how nations DON’T fail and how to not become a “small” country. So, in conclusion, bad leadership causes a country to be “small”.
Okay, back to the topic, in my personal opinion, small countries should not be allowed to take the lead in global affairs. As listed in the conclusion of the above paragraph, we can’t allow those leaders who are CLEARLY inefficient and most possibly corrupt to be making major decisions in organizations or stages that resemble the ENTIRE Earth or anything resembling any form of global affairs. I do believe in the idea that some representatives of a small country are to be listed in making forward steps at the global level, but I hate the idea that the leader of a small country should have the power to lead at the global level.
For some real-life examples, we can’t make a dictator take the lead on global affairs, the last time that happened, I recall that 40-50 million people died for nothing. I call that a total “bruh” moment. Let’s take our own country as an example. Our government is struggling to manage our own country, if they were to be managing things on a global level, God knows what would happen. I believe that powerful, developed countries that are capable of managing things on a global scale should be leading in global affairs.
So, in conclusion, small countries should not be allowed to take the lead in global affairs, for the reasons I have listed above. I believe that Nepal also has huge potential to become a developed and secure country politically, economically, and environmentally. We must join hands in unity to make that happen.