
Student Corner

Reality Check

Written by: Meemansha Acharya - 23027, Grade XII

Posted on: 02 August, 2022

Let's perform a quick reality check. Would you agree if someone told you your work wasn't up to mark? Would you accept it and use it to better yourself? Or Be truly infuriated and enraged with that person?
Well, even though we know they are right, it is still very difficult for the majority of us to accept it posthumously. You will be negatively affected by other people's statements that you won't be able to truly accept them. Isn't it? Even if you show that you have accepted it, you will try to defend yourself in your mind despite working on it. Even if you were wrong, you would still attempt to project a confident, clean image of yourself in your head or in your imagination but not in reality. We mostly create the good image of ourself and our success in mind and evaluate ourself on the basis of it and feel good about how excellent we are but it is what we are in reality? Have you ever questioned yourself what exactly you are in real life? Even if somebody asks who you are, will you tell who actually you are in reality or who you are in the world you have created?

Our perceptions of who we are can differ from our actual selves. So, do we actually differ from how we present ourselves in real life? Yes, we may be. I've already mentioned how difficult it is to accept individuals for who they are. Like, one of my friends asked if her presentation was up to mark. She was very close to me. so, I decided to give her actual feedback. I therefore praised her work and pointed out a few areas where she could have done better. I was shocked to see that she was actually defending herself despite accepting it. This was the worst situation I have faced after telling the truth. From that day, I came to the conclusion that never ever give the person the actual feedback or never correct them if they are wrong if you want to be on good terms with them.

I used to, and still sometimes behave like that. If somebody points out any mistake in your work, it really hurts as you have worked so much in it and even harder to accept it and work on it. If somebody told me that the presentation done by you is not good and you have to improve a lot. Even though I know I have to work on it, in my mind I actually try to defend myself that it was good. So, I also have tried to escape from reality a lot but now I am working on it. Because now I have understood that if you get feedback that hurts you, you have to accept it. Because only a few people who really love you and care about you take the courage to give the actual feedback. Here, I don't intend to imply that we shouldn't envision ourselves as we would like to be. I do agree that your imaginations can become reality, but running away from reality won't make it happen; you must accept who you are and work on your reality to make our dreams come true.