
Student Corner

As I Walked By

Written by: Aayotrie Chaudhary - 27019, Grade VIII

Posted on: 25 July, 2022

Cold … super cold. I try to warm up my frozen arms and my frigid face. My nose has gone bright pink. I would go inside… if I knew where inside was.

So quite ironically I was going out to just simply play in the snow, maybe build a snowman or two, then the snowstorm hit. The wind's cold blast nearly blew me off my feet! For the first few minutes I didn't panic and just tried to get to my car, right after I thought that however, realization struck and if my face wasn't already quite pale from the cold it sure was pale now that I realized I had walked to this park and not taken my silver, grey car. For some reason I thought since it was only a short walk on a simple path that I should walk and that if I get cold then I could just warm up tasty, hot soup for myself when I got home. 

I start to panic a little now, the snowstorm has started to blow really hard and I'm as frozen as ice. I start trying to head in the direction that I thought I had come from, no luck. I start having impulse thoughts, what if I die out here? I might freeze to death or get hypothermia and have to cut off my arms or feet! As the feeling of my face starts to disappear and my nose starts to turn at least a little blueish, a miracle happens, the storm starts to lighten.

After the storm lightens up enough for me to see, I'm able to find the way to my house. As soon as I open the door I'm greeted by my lovely dog, Dahlia. Dahlia is a small little dog so I hadn't taken to the park with me, and good thing I didn't. Dahlia is light brown and has chocolate brown eyes, she's also one of the sweetest dogs ever, but I might be biased. I quickly change into a green sweater and wear a comfy jacket on top, then I make myself hot soup and turn on a heater while cuddling up in my maroon blanket I had knitted myself. Dahlia soon jumps up where I'm sitting underneath the blanket and cuddles up to me. The hot soup passes down my throat and I smile as I warm up my chilled feet against the warm heater.