
Student Corner

Life as an Orphan

Written by: Sauharda Bajracharya - 26010, Grade IX

Posted on: 20 July, 2022

This is a story of the past. In a village, there lived an elderly couple. They always wanted a son, but instead got a daughter. They tried numerous times in hopes for a son, but it never happened. They dressed up their daughter as a boy, changed her name to a more “manly” name and told everyone that they had a son. This lie wouldn’t last for too long and everyone found out that they had a daughter. They left their daughter to die at the age of 5. The small girl was chased away from her village by her relatives. She ended up in a completely different village where she didn’t know anyone. Without any food and shelter, she had to live on the streets. One day she was found by a stranger and was handed over to an orphanage. The orphanage provided everything from delicious food to clothing and shelter, but it lacked good education. As a result, the small girl only had a decent education and didn’t know english. She grew up around other orphan children like her and loved to play with them.

One day, a couple came to the orphanage and adopted her. The couple were unsuccessful in having a child and had to adopt instead. The girl’s new parents told her that she would be treated like a queen. But, this wouldn’t last for very long. They took care of her for a few weeks, after which they realized how difficult it was to take care of a child. They tried to return the girl back to the orphanage, but they wouldn’t accept it. They kept the girl in their house for a couple of years, and when she turned 13, her parents abandoned her. She returned to her old village and one of her neighbors recognized her and asked why she had returned to the village. She told the whole story and her neighbor told her that she had a brother who was living in Kathmandu. When she asked why her parents abandoned her then. Her neighbor replied that her brother had feminine traits since he was born and her parents sent him to live in Kathmandu to hide it from others.

The girl had no money to go to Kathmandu, so when she asked the neighbor to take her to Kathmandu, he agreed. The girl was looking for her brother in Kathmandu. Her neighbor had told her that her brother's name was Abhinav, and when she looked for him in this big city, she never found him. But one day, police reported to Abhinav that a little girl was looking for him. He didn’t know who it was, the little girl explained to him that she was his sister. But, Abhinav was not agreeing to trust her. At the end of the day, he let her into his house and soon Abhinav felt that she was telling the truth. Abhinav had changed over time and had a wife. Abhinav, his wife and the little girl lived happily ever after.