
Student Corner

Development of AI can lead to chaos

Written by: Bipan Sajwal - 24015, Grade XI

Posted on: 20 July, 2022

The branch of science dealing with the development of capable and intelligent machines can be termed as AI which stands for Artificial Intelligence. In today’s era AI is making human lives easier in one way or the other. The development of AI can lead the country or world to develop in an efficient manner.AI is believed to have begun from all the way back since humans first discovered automation, and since them it is continuously advancing at a fast rate as people are discovering new ways to gather the benefits of this technology to increase productivity. There are different pros of the development of AI's. Similarly, there are some drawbacks too.
AI is enormously capable of doing lot of things. They have already exceeded our expectations. Since AI’s are developing rapidly, the consequences have already started to arise. Malicious use of AI could threaten digital and physical security. AI  also have adverse effects on the privacy of people. This makes people insecure. “AI is more dangerous than nukes” as stated by Elon Musk is true. The production of lethal weapons using AI can lead to chaos. Humans will have to face different wars occasionally. This can lead to the extinction of the human race. AI’s can also decrease job opportunities for people which leads to different financial problems as well as poverty. There is an outrageous controversy going on about whether or not humans should be employed when robots can do the job better. All this started because of the advancement of AI’s. And if humans ever develop AI’s which are capable of cognitive tasks, humanity will be in a huge danger as no human being will be able to control AI’s. People will have to face consequences for their own actions.
There are different ways to mitigate the negative impacts of AI. The best way to control AI is to build human values into them to ensure that everything AI does meets our approval. This requires a lot of effort so people should work together having the same goal to keep the negative impacts of AI’s to the bare minimum. This will make people’s lives easier and they can live their lives freely.
Therefore, AI is proving to be a double edged sword as malicious use of AI could lead to human extinction. We should be careful while developing AI’s.