
Student Corner


Written by: Aaryan Regmi - 30037, Grade V

Posted on: 20 July, 2022

Education is very important for us. Without education, a person is incomplete. Education has been an important part of our lives. Nowadays, most people are educated, but the people who are in undeveloped areas or rural areas are still abandoned to get quality education. Education centres like schools, colleges and universities help to provide education. Everyone has a right to get proper education. If a person is well educated, he or she can solve most of the problems in life. They can face any challenges in their way. There are different types of subjects, like maths, science, social etc. Knowledge that we get from these subjects and educational centres is very important in our daily life as well. They teach us morals, ethics, behaviour and life. If we want to be successful in life, education is the most important key. We need education to be happy and be successful. Due to education, we can live our life happily and respectfully. 
All children have the right to get an education, so the government should give free education to poor children. Successful people like Elon Musk, Bill Gates , and Mark Zuckeburge are in high positions in their lives because of education. So every person in the world should be well educated for progress. Education helps to transform humans into responsible citizens. So, no one should be abandoned from education.