
Student Corner

Listening To The Spirits

Written by: Aayotrie Chaudhary - 27019, Grade VIII

Posted on: 15 July, 2022

Once I saw the place I knew that that would be the perfect place to put my cafe. It was near a forest, a place where many people of the small town would say that the spirits of the dead would stop by. Many called me crazy or reckless for wanting to put my cafe there but the place was perfect, in the winter it looked like a cute cottage shimmering snow and I planned to plant a cherry blossom tree that would looked so lovely during the spring, in fall it would be a bit harder to sweep the leaves that fall off the tree branches but it would still be so nice and in summer the meadows nearby would fully blossom with wild flowers of all different colors, some orange, some white and some pink as well as many other shades and hues of florals. The spot was absolutely perfect in every way, however all the chatter from the people kept haunting my head on the day of the grand opening and that wasn't the only haunting that would happen that day. In fact another haunting came just that night, not by living people though, but by ones who've already passed on to the afterlife.

It's been a few years now and the cafe is blooming as fast as the dozens of flowers are in spring. People even call it a great tourist area to go to when you visit our small, quaint town. I also have many regulars that I'm fond of that live in the small town too. Out of all the guests that visit my cafe my favorites are probably the sweet, enchanting spirits at night.This is also the reason I usually take the night shift and let my employees take day shifts, that I personally always use the excuses ' I'm a night owl' or ' I love looking at the shimmering stars and constellations glowing in the dark night sky' . The spirits are actually really nice though they also really love over sharing, I don't mind though, I like listening to their previous lives before they move on to the great beyond, of course I'm always sad when they have to leave. Listening to the spirits also has helped me in many ways, for one, listening to the deaths of the spirits has helped me overcome the fear of myself passing. I also have learned how to do many other fun tasks or hobbies like baking, chess and even Chinese checkers. So in all I guess I was right, this place really was the perfect spot for me to set up my cafe.