
Student Corner

Live and Let Live

Written by: Prakarsha Tabdar - 25010, Grade X

Posted on: 15 July, 2022

Once upon a time there were two childhood friends named Ramesh and Umesh. They had always done everything together ever since they were young. It was crystal clear that they had feelings for each other but they were not able to express it. One day Ramesh was brave enough to confess his feelings to Umesh. They both were in a relationship and most of the class knew about it. Some of their classmates were happy for them while some of them looked at them with disgust. Even when they held hands in public people used to stare at them. It was pretty hard for them but they never gave up on each other. One day Ramesh decided to share his relationship with his family but they protested. His family thought that he was some kind of psychopath and they started to look at him with disgust. His family also started to give him lots of mental pressure. When Ramesh told about this to Umesh he was very sad and he knew that his parents would also not accept their  relationship.

After Umessh told everything to his family his parents were surprised at first. They were not able to believe what they just heard. They clearly told Umesh that they could not accept him as such. After hearing that Umesh was very sad and they both decided that they will leave their home and go somewhere else. They had no place to go so they used to sleep on the streets and ask people for food. People used to ignore them so they had to starve sometimes. People also used to stare at them when walking past them. They were treated like some kind of diseased animal. One day, a random passerby asked them about their situation and interviewed them. They shared their story about how they had feelings for each other and how their parents did not accept it and how people used to treat them differently just because they had feelings for the same gender. Soon after they got very viral in social media and lots of people started supporting them. People were touched by their story and started to help them in any way they could.

They were getting lots of support and people also started to question their parents for not accepting them. There were many strikes regarding Ramesh and Umesh’s relationship and that two genders being in a relationship should be normalized. After lots of struggle and convincing people their parents also started to accept their son for who they are. Many people still used to stare at them when they held hands in public but they used to ignore them. After some time there a new law was brought in Nepal regarding LGBTQ+ relationships. Soon after their story became famous worldwide and people were not afraid as before to come out as a member of the LGBTQ+ member. Their story was very heart touching and people were able to see their struggle and how they were forced to leave their own house and live on the roads.

We should also not judge people and accept them for who they are if we want to make this world a better place.