
Student Corner

Socially Unacceptable

Written by: Sauharda Bajracharya - 26010, Grade IX

Posted on: 14 July, 2022

One morning after reading an article on LGBTQI community, Rahul was contemplating his sexuality. Rahul was a shame for his family, his whole family was good-looking but he was the only one who was ugly. At the age of seven, he fell in love with a girl who later rejected him. As a result, his overprotective parents sent him to a boys’ school. Every day after school, his parents would pick him up in a car and wouldn’t let him see a girl out the window. Over the years, he had grown up to become a good-looking boy. At the age of seventeen, he snuck out of his house with his friends. On the streets, he saw a beautiful girl roughly of his age. He hadn’t seen a girl for nearly ten years, his affection towards the girl was different. Unable to resist talking to the girl, he went to her and confessed his love for her. Once again, he was rejected. He was heart-broken again. It took him a few months to recover from this heart-break. He made a decision that he would never talk to a girl ever again. Over the years, he began to develop affection towards boys. His parents had seen his heart broken twice and they could not agree with the fact that their son was “gay”. Due to this, he didn’t speak up to his parents about it. He gathered enough courage and talked with his friend, Shirish, on this topic. People wouldn’t talk much on this topic, Shirish was embarrassed when he found out that his friend was gay. Back then, being gay or lesbian was unheard of in a country like Nepal. If he were to tell the other people that he were gay, they wouldn’t socially accept him, so he kept it hidden. Eventually, he had to speak up about his sexuality and when he did, people in his society did not accept him. Whenever he went outside his house, he was called ‘chakka’. People even went as far as to beat him up just because of his sexuality. Years went by, but he was still abused, verbally as well as physically. Finally it was too much for him to handle, and he ended his life. All because he was socially unacceptable.