
Student Corner


Written by: Sakshyam Karna - 26013, Grade IX

Posted on: 12 July, 2022

It was 9 in the evening. I was sad as I had missed my bus. I didn't have enough energy to walk home. That seemed like the worst day of my life, first I lost my job and now this. I was heading home thinking how I would be able to travel such a long distance at this time. Then I saw someone running towards me. “HEY” he shouts. He was wearing scrubs, had long brown hair, a sharp jawline and was wearing scrubs so I assumed he must be a doctor. Basically he was the type of man I wanted. He  walks closer and I start getting nervous. “Did I miss the bus?” he asks. I just nodded trying to hide the nervousness in my voice.

“Oh”. “So did I” I say trying not to lose the chance of a conversation with a guy this gorgeous. “Really where were you going? New Baneshwor, what about you? Wow I also live in New Baneshwor, where do you actually live in New Baneshwor? I live in Bhimsengola, where do you live? Oh that’s close to where I live in Shantinagar, do you want to walk home together? Wow, I was already attracted to this guy and the fact that he was willing  to befriend me even though he could clearly see that I'm a transwoman was reassuring. I agreed to walk with him and on the way we talked about each other's life. Rishav (I found out this was his name) is actually pansexual which gave me hope. I finally will be able to date someone. (I thought)

Walking home with him was fun. We were about 20 mins away from the house when we saw some drunk people walking towards us.  They asked me why I was dressed like a girl and I tried to explain to them I'm a trans woman but as soon as they heard that they got fired up they started pushing me and when Rishav tried to save me they asked if he's saving me because he was also like me. He fought back but they overpowered him. Both of us were heavily injured but he was unconscious and bleeding more than I was so I called the ambulance and the police.

Rishav was advised to stay in the hostel that night so I stayed with him. We filed the complaint but the police did not take us seriously. They said they would try to find the people but when we went for follow-up there was no update and after a few visits to the police station they started coming at the station and started insulting me. We never got justice. My name is Ramila Dangol and this is my story.