
Student Corner


Written by: Snigdha Chaudhary - 30047, Grade V

Posted on: 12 July, 2022

When I was small, I always thought that dreams were like another world, where you go to each night and when you have nightless dreams it means that your soul might be really thirsty and want to drink water by the pond. I usually took dreams really seriously because sometimes they felt too real and it felt like you were actually there, living it. Sometimes, I just want to go up to a person in my dream and say that they are just a person in my dream, but when I start to just say the sentence, I wake up and sometimes, when I am really stuck in a dream, and think there's no way out, I just feel sad, because sometimes your eyes might be glued shut and you just struggle to wake up but can not. 
Sometimes dreams also come up as a great inspiration for stories, articles etc. When I was in nursery school, I thought that witches would teleport me to another place, somewhere far away where I would have to learn on my own or die. So I always used to hug a teddy bear or put one next to me so I would know if I was still there in my bed, sleeping. This one time, I had a dream where I randomly woke up and, somehow, I heard horns and I got hit by a truck. After that, I woke up again, and I did not know if I really woke up or not, which is really stressful sometimes. To just figure out if you are sleeping or awake. I always used to believe that I could teleport because when I was small I slept in one room and then when I woke up I was in another one. One time I woke up in a whole other place and thought that it was the time that I had died. I saw clay walls and everything. I shouted for help, then I found out that I was right next to my fufu ( father's sister ). I felt relieved, but then I started wondering about what would happen if it was real and I was really about to die, but  it was all just a hallucination. Nowadays, I do not like to overthink about dreams, so I just close my eyes, breathe and wait till I go to sleep.