
Student Corner

Magic Exists

Written by: Riddhis Sharma - 26006, Grade IX

Posted on: 06 July, 2022

A world of magic is said to be an imaginary world, but some people believe it exists.

I am Mike, a college student and I’m 21 years old. As almost all students I was bored of my high school life and wanted something different. One fine day, I was walking down the street. I had secretly bunked my class that day. I suddenly heard some weird noises. I ignored them and kept walking and finally I saw something like a portal that had appeared out of thin air, exhaling something antique like. Quickly, I noticed that people were walking past it as if there was nothing. So I tried to walk away too like any other person would, minding their own business, but for some reason I could not suppress the will to see what was happening. I’d always liked to explore places and go on adventures. I was curious and searched for some place different, different from the world I lived in. So, with curiosity and an adventurous will I jumped into the weird looking thing. Just as I entered the portal I saw some people fighting but I could not believe my eyes. They were using some sort of magic. The fight was furious. Both fought as if they were fighting to survive.

After seeing them fight I looked around and I saw people fighting as if they were involved in some sort of war. I felt like running so I turned around but to my surprise the portal was not there. My legs started shaking like crazy and I was about to cry.  I got in and I found myself in a world that looks totally different from ours. There were cars flying in the sky and all the buildings in front of me were tall. I thought I traveled to the future but found that it was a parallel dimension where things worked differently. I saw Adolf Hitler’s statue there and  below it was written “The man who sacrificed himself for the world”. I  was surprised. But the next thing I saw almost gave me a heart attack,  I noticed that the statue had Hitler dressed up like a scientist. Then I walked around for a bit and I saw tons of people there including myself but I was not a Male or a Female. I was a transwoman. I was shocked for a moment but then thought that’s perfectly fine. Because of the conditions I had grown up in I had the wrong mindset.  But then I saw another portal. I thought maybe I could go back to my own world, but unfortunately I didn’t. I got into another world where there were tents all around. And people were working in the fields. I saw myself again but this time as a woman and surprisingly there was another me working with me. The other one was a member of the queer community.

Seeing that, I thought that if we could live together with people of all genders without any discrimination than the world would be a better place for everyone. But that wasn’t the end of it. I saw a portal again but this time I was forced to get in  and I found myself falling on my bed and it's morning. My homework is being done by my magic and I return to my regular life.