
Student Corner


Written by: Roji Gurung - 26007, Grade IX

Posted on: 04 July, 2022

Chris woke up after his mom scolded him for waking up late. He is a high schooler, work piled up and things were getting a little too hard to handle. He freshen up and got ready for school. He ate his breakfast and ran out of the house. He was late for school but still managed to reach there on time. He sat on his bench. Beside him sat a boy named Noah. Noah was a diligent student loved by everyone. Chris admired him a lot. They both chatted for a while until the teacher came. The whole day Chris kept staring at Noah. He was in love. Yes, Chris was gay. He and Noah both were dating each other. They talked, held each other's hand, and smiled at each other. They both were so in love with each other. No one knew about their relationship except Jessy, their girl best friend. Jessy supported both of them. Noah and Chris didn’t tell anyone about them being in a relationship because society was very judgmental and they thought no one would accept them which of course was very true. LGBTQ+ community is hated by everyone which is very sad to see. It's the 21st century but still people have an old mindset. It was lunch break. Noah, Chris, and Jessy sat on a table and ate their food. They also talked about how Noah’s and Chris’s relationship was going on. Jessy persuaded them to tell that to their parents but both of them denied, they were horrified thinking about it. 

One day when Chris was walking in the hallway students started whispering things about him which made him anxious. He saw Noah crying while running. Students were laughing but he did not understand why. He ran after Noah in the bathroom. Noah was going to lock himself but Chris stopped him. When asked why he was running Noah confessed that everyone knew they were gay and dating. Due to this the other students were teasing Noah while Chris only got angrier. He went to the hall and shouted, gaining everyone’s attention. He asked who told everyone they are gay. Nobody admitted it, then it hit him. Only Jessy knew. It was the only way. The boys were heartbroken to find that their best friend, the one whom they could confide in, was the one to expose them. When they confronted her, she admitted that she was disgusted by them. Hearing that made Chris sad but angry. By now, everyone including Noah and Chris’s parents knew them being gay. Their parents scolded them, lectured them and they even expressed their disgust. They both were kicked out from school just because they were gay. They both were locked inside their house. No one supported them. Chris and Noah both were separated without any medium to communicate with each other. They were struggling. So, Noah thought of something. Noah planned to run away from the house with Chris. At night when everyone slept, he packed his bag and sneaked out of the house. He reached Chris's home and knocked on his window. Chris was shocked to see him. Noah told Chris about his plan, immediately agreed and they fled. With the little money both the boys had managed they caught a plane to another city. They started living together.  A kind couple, Zennie and Pal helped them find a place to stay. Noah and Chris were very happy that at least someone cared and accepted them. Both of them worked as well as completed their studies. 6 years passed, they now both have stable jobs. They are earning well and also have a nice place to stay. They are still in touch with Zennie and Pal. They are accepted in the society they live in.  They have planned something that is going to change their whole life. They stood in front of the adoption center  carrying their adopted daughter. Yes, they adopted a child. Now, they have a family, a happy family. Although the present was not easy for them to get, all their past struggles made it so worth it.