
Student Corner

Topic: Empathy

Written by: Rudrayani Shrestha - 30025, Grade V

Posted on: 04 July, 2022

Isha and Manisha were very good friends. They both studied in the same class. They always helped each other. Manisha was very good at studies but Isha was not. Manish got higher marks in the Monthly Test whereas Isha failed in Science. All of them teased and laughed at her. She felt embarrassed and ashamed. With a heavy heart she went home. The next day, she stopped  playing with her friends. She even stopped talking to her friends. She started to be alone and looked depressed. She did not even talk with Manisha. So, Manisha decided  to talk with her. Isha said dumped" I tried harder, but I could not pass the exam, I am so stupid! Manish was well aware of her friend's hardworking nature. They planned to meet after school. They practiced and revised all lessons together. Manisha helped her to solve the problem. They did this regularly and Isha passed the final exam with good marks.

Like Manisha, we should always try to understand  and feel others' pain and help them.