
Student Corner

Support is Essential

Written by: Phoebe Shrestha - 26016, Grade IX

Posted on: 28 June, 2022

There was a time, where most of the people used to bully, hate, insult, feel disgust of that person who also had been mentally tortured just being a person of the LGBTQ+. The person was called by Thomas. He only used to live with his grandmother. Thomas was a very quiet, innocent, insecure and a sensitive person. Not only at school but also at home, he used to get judged by society.. He used to be bullied for not being a normal person (for being gay), being called characterless, sutpid, uneducated. It made him sad to be living in a suffocating environment. One day, some of the students at school poured water on him and he got soaked. He complained to the principal about all the things that happened to him. But, when he thought this would help him he received more hate from the principal. He said “You’re obviously a characterless person, who only deserves to get hate!” He made a disgusted face which made Thomas leave the principal’s cabin, sobbing. He didn’t care about anything he ran straight  home. He reached home in a mess, told everything that happened to him. His grandmother felt really bad for him. She tried to convince him. But nothing made him happy. So, she tried to leave him alone. After some days, he was in his room alone, he didn’t go school for some days because he knew what would happen if he went to school people would make fun of him. Thomas and his grandmother talked a while and it made him feel better so he decided to go to school.

The next day, when he reached school he saw someone making his pictures with obscure and vulgar drawings and writings made on it.  He felt horrible but he tried to ignore it. In class, no one agreed to sit with him but there was a girl named Sophie. She was kind, gentle, loving, and understanding. She called Thomas to sit with her. “ She seemed to be a new student”. He said to himself. She understood his situation. Days passed, Thomas and Sophie were very comfortable with each other, he used to share his hardships and as usual people kept bullying him. She felt really bad for him but she made him forget about his past. He felt like a normal person, she stopped people from bullying Thomas. Thomas was now a cheerful, happy person. But still some people hated him. When Sophie was absent people bullied Thomas. He got beaten. Next day, Sophie noticed something on Thomas' face, she saw the bruise. She decided to take help from her uncle who works as a reporter and his support from his company. She told everything about Thomas. Her uncle was a good person. One day, he and his team went to the school to find out what happened to Thomas. He explained everything about himself. They took an interview with him and posted it online. Many of the people felt bad for him. There were soft comments, and soon the video went viral. He had begun to get love and affection from people all over the world. At school, the video also went viral and many students saw it. They soon regretted what they did. Guilt filled their consciousness. They decided to apologize to Thomas, they realizd how wrong and homophobic they were, towards someone for just existing. Thomas accepted the apology because anyone would if someone was in his place, after all Thomas was a kind person.

Thomas felt better and actually liked going to school. All because he had the support of his friend. This goes to show how support is essential.