
Student Corner

Let’s Embrace Period Days

Written by: Shreevaani Dhungel - 29044, Grade VI

Posted on: 23 June, 2022

Menstruation is the process of cleansing our body from waste blood. Menstruation can happen at the age of 10-13 on average but you can also get it at the age of 5-9 if your body is healthy and grows fast. Menstruation can also be called a period.It is nothing disgusting nor embarrassing about periods it's just normal so few of my friends have periods and one of my friends say that if you live in a hot place then you will get your period fast. 

Products that can be used during menstruation:

-Sanitary Pads


-Menstrual cups

Moral support that should come from:

-Support from Parents

-Support from Schoolmates

-Support from Friends & Family

-Support from Community

Things to be careful about:

-Consuming Junk food

-Bathing from dirty water

-Skipping your daily meals

-Staying up late

Take Away:

Going through a period or menstruation is healthy and nothing to be ashamed about. We should stop whispering about it and start having a conversation with friends, family and everyone around. Also, menstruation should not be regarded as ‘impure’ or ‘unholy’. It's just a natural process, let’s embrace it!