
Student Corner

An Autobiography of a Street Dog

Written by: Bishu Maharjan - 28003, Grade VII

Posted on: 20 June, 2022

Hi, I am Rex. I am a street dog. I rely on garbage for food. Sometimes some kind people give me food. But  it was not always like this. I used to live in a puppy store. It was a very safe place there. The owner used to give me proper food and care. I had many friends. They were all beautiful and fluffy, but I was the only one who was ugliest among them. I was a brown puppy which made me look dirty. All of my friends got sold  and got a new rich owner and I was the only one left there.

I was growing at a rapid rate, so I needed a lot of food. Because of that reason, I was kept in a box and left on the streets. One day, I saw a girl on the street with her mother. She liked me very much and asked her mother if they could keep me. Surprisingly, her mother agreed, then they took me to their house. The house was very beautiful. After we got in, the girl gave me some food to eat. It was the first time I had eaten well. I was very thankful to the little girl whose name I found out was Mary. Mary and I were good friends. We used to play in the garden. She taught me many tricks, such as to roll, sit, jump etc. She often used to give me treats.

She used to play with me all day during the holidays. When she used to go to school, I used to look out of the window and wait for her. Her family were also loving and caring for me. But things didn't go well for long. Mary's father had got a promotion and they needed to go to another country. They weren’t allowed to take me with them, so, they gave me to Mary’s aunt. Mary didn’t agree to leave me, but she had no other choice. Mary's aunt was a very bad owner. She didn’t take me for a walk, she didn’t give me proper food or care. She used to beat me with a stick when she was angry. I was treated badly. I wanted to run away and one day my chance came. She forgot to lock me. That day when she was not around, I ran and ran till I thought I had got away. Now here I am, telling you the story of my life. I have still not lost hope. I always stare at the street waiting for Mary to come and take me back with her.