
Student Corner


Written by: Siddhartha Chaulagain - 30033, Grade V

Posted on: 20 June, 2022

Our Earth is like a jigsaw puzzle. It is divided into 20 parts and these parts are called tectonic plates. These plates move constantly, but we can not feel it because  it happens slowly. So, whenever those plates hit, bump  and slide past each other then it causes an earthquake. The surface where it slips is called the fault surface. And it always happens, but we can not feel it because it is so small that it can not come to the surface, but sometimes, it is very big. The place where the earthquake originates is called Hypocenter and where it occurs is called Epicenter there are three types of earthquake- Convergent boundaries,  Divergent boundaries and Transform Boundaries. The machine which is used for measuring earthquakes is called a seismograph. Earthquakes also cause tsunami, landslides and many more.