
Student Corner

The beginning of democracy in Nepal and the role of society

Written by: Sunabi Pokharel - 25018, Grade X

Posted on: 17 June, 2022

The major types of political systems are democracy, monarchy, and authoritarian regimes. Democracy is the most outstanding achievement of the entire Nepali people. The rule or system run by the people themselves is called 'democracy'. In this system all people are equal and all people have the right to live and speak freely. In a democracy, the people are elected by the elected representatives.

 Before the year 2007, Nepal was under an autocratic dictatorship. The rulers did not work for the good of the country. They used all the income of the country for their own enjoyment. The country was getting poorer and poorer. People did not get big jobs. Only those who could find jobs like serving the royals could be found. Ordinary people did not have access to literacy and industry. Those who thought to bring changes in the country and those who opposed the rulers were hanged or shot to death. The Nepali people did not like such a rule of the Ranas. Many patriotic people lost their lives in the journey of freeing the country from the clutches of Rana's rule. The People's Revolution of 2007 AD is a great revolution in the history of Nepal. This revolution ended the autocratic rule of the Ranas. The Rana regime fell to its knees and the country was liberated from its cruel clutches. The ruling party lost the war between the people and the ruler. Democracy was declared on March 26, 2007, and the people got their rights. In 2017 BS, democracy was abolished and the Panchayat system was introduced in the country. For another 30 years, the Nepali people had to live in exploitation and suffering. There were many direct and indirect public rallies against this provision, processions, political parties, and the struggle of the people. In the year 2036 BS, this protest was intensified and on 7th March 2046 BS, the people's movement started again. In this movement, children also shouted for democracy. Villages, slums, and settlements were uprooted but many people were martyred in the process. After this, the Panchayat system ended and democracy returned to Nepal on April 10, 2006.

The days of Falgun and Chaitra are especially important in the life of Nepalis. At the same time, democracy was born in Nepal and it had the opportunity to be restored. 

National Democracy Day is celebrated in Nepal on March 22. Various organizations, schools, and colleges take out rallies in their uniforms. The way the revolution took place and democracy was established in Nepal has its own history and its own significance. Therefore, Nepalis should be inspired to move forward from here. They should realize their rights and duties and make a commitment to uplift the nation. The arrival of democracy is only a golden dawn. There is still work to be done to bring social changes and enlightenment in the country. This work can only be done by uniting all the people of our society.