
Student Corner

Déjà vu

Written by: Surabhi Ghimire - 26012, Grade IX

Posted on: 14 June, 2022

Déjà vu, the feeling of doing something and feeling like you have already experienced it before even if you have not. There are many theories regarding the occurrence of  déjà vu, some say that our brain recognises the similarities with the event that caused deja vu and a past event. When I experienced it, I asked the person I experienced it with if we talked about this before. We had not. Technically it could be that I talked about it with someone else but they were the first person I had this conversation with and I’m sure. "Déjà vu'' occurs briefly, without warning and has no physical manifestations other than the announcement: “I just had déjà vu!” Many researchers propose that the phenomenon is a memory-based experience and assume the memory centers of the brain are responsible for it."

Many researchers agree with this statement. Although there still are theories on why déjà vu occurs which, according to  the situation of earlier mentioned déjà vu, make sense. This theory claims that every time you experience déjà vu you're having a crossover with yourself in a parallel universe. Meaning whatever you are doing in this universe you are doing in another. Lots of people believe that déjà vu happens so you can contact your other self, in another universe. With that said, what if you're living in different periods throughout the universe? Your consciousness is traveling through a period of space where time doesn't exist. It can reach you at any time,what if the déjà vu you experience from time to time is just an indexation of your future self thinking about the memories from your past self.

Let me tell you some stories that prove this  theory of déjà vu, “@kristenminer1: I’ve had deja vu where it was slightly off… my sister stopped talking when I remembered her continuing to talk. I asked her and she said she thought about it and just didn't say it." (Twitter.com) It could be that she made A CHOICE and a parallel universe formed, now if she continued talking she would be in another parallel universe instead of this one. Her consciousness remembers her sister still talking, therefore proving that maybe consciousness does travel.

Another example ;

"@sakurada_uwu: My husband was mad at me because I drove my older woman co-worker home. So I just went into my girl's bedroom and we were watching the lady and the tramp. I was laying in bed while they played and I got such a strong feeling of fear and my eyes went wide. I saw my husband stomping into the bedroom and started yelling and I felt SO much fear. Then I blink and my eyes turn to the door. I'm waiting because the fear was so STRONG I was terrified. but he never came. I was confused but continued to watch the movie. This was 4 years ago and I never forgot about that moment. but it happens all the time." (Twitter.com)

Here too, he had a CHOICE where a parallel universe formed when he chose the other option. The lady's consciousness remembers him coming into the room and screaming at her, but he never did.

Similarly there's another theory for déjà vu, when you have to make choices, there will be a different outcome to both and it is said that then a parallel universe forms for you choosing the other option, basically your path splits. Now hear me out, what if deja vu is where you and your alternate universe collide in that one moment and become one. This might not be true, they are just theories. The Buddhists think it’s a sign that you’re at the right time and the right place. Time is not linear. We simply perceive it that way. So deja vu could be just a momentary overlap of time.