
Student Corner

Bermuda Triangle

Written by: Prakarsha Tabdar - 25010, Grade X

Posted on: 09 June, 2022

Many people must have heard about |Bermuda Triangles or at least read about it somewhere. There are many rumors about the Bermuda Triangle about how planes, boats and ships disappear there. There are also many rumors about how the plane just vanished from the radar after reaching the point bermuda triangle. So what really is this “Bermuda Triangle”? Many people believe that supernatural forces pull down planes and ships under the water. Other people also believe that it's all because of aliens. The Bermuda Triangle is also known as the devil's triangle because of how all the planes and ships disappear. So are there really any superpowers or aliens in the bermuda triangle?

The Bermuda triangle is located in the North Atlantic Ocean of North America. It is a triangular spot in the Atlantic Ocean where all the planes and ships disappear. It is believed that October 11, 1482 was the first time when one airplane reported seeing strange lights there. 1800 was the first year when a ship disappeared. It just vanished out of nowhere. Many investigations started to find that ship but that ship was never found. The second case was of Uss Wasp which was a war-served ship that disappeared in the Atlantic Ocean with 140 people on board. It is not exactly known how many ships have disappeared in there but people believe that around 50 ships and 20 airplanes have disappeared as of now.

December 5, 1945 was when flight 19 with 14 people on board disappeared. Same day another plane lost searching for flight 19. 2020 was the last case of a ship disappearing. No one was able to find the remains of the ship or what happened to the people on the board just like before. There are many theories about why planes and ships disappeared in the bermuda triangle but there is no exact reason for why the planes and ships disappeared. No scientists have found the real reason behind it. Some of the theories of why planes and ships disappeared are huge waves that form in the bermuda triangle, magnetic forces that attract planes and ships, super natural powers etc.

So there are many theories with no real explanation on why planes and ships disappear in the bermuda triangle. This is still considered one of the strangest places on the earth. There are also many movies based on it. Scientists are still researching on why the planes and ships disappeared there. At the end no one knows the real mystery about the bermuda triangle and is there really some kind of supernatural force, is the alien rumors true or is it the magnetic fields or the huge waves formed in the bermuda triangle