
Student Corner

Do You Believe In The Multiverse Theory?

Written by: Sonam Sunner - 27017, Grade VIII

Posted on: 01 June, 2022

There are many theories in the world but one of them is about another universe. Basically this theory is about another universe if there is another and there are other people living there. But sometimes a new language, a different creature, and more. I don’t know why but I actually do believe there are other universes, more than one. I always believed in this. 

For my theory on this, I actually don’t believe there is the same person in another universe. I think there’s other people who do the same. I don’t think there’s the same language either and they might have different beliefs than us. I also don’t think there are different creatures though. Some people think the same as the one I just explained. But there are also people who think the opposite. Those people think there is the same person doing something else in another universe. I haven’t met someone yet who thinks this way but I have seen in social media about people talking about this. And of course there are people who don’t think this way. Their theory is that there’s only one universe which is the one they are living in and preferably think there’s one life.

There might be people who think a different way. Like my mom thinks that there are universes upto ten. 1 to 10 is the way to heaven and -1 to -10 is the way to hell. She even believes that if you dig far enough you’ll find another world, for example Like snakes world etc. She hasn’t said much about it though. My friend once said to me that she heard from somewhere that there are more than one sun, if so there wouldn't be planets for the sun too. It did make sense and I was kind of convinced. 

I know this is a topic that we shouldn’t really care about because it could be anything and we could waste our time thinking about this but honestly I think about this topic most of the time and am very curious about it too. I love to read and explore the universe, space or astrology. But obviously not all people have to believe in these theories.