
Student Corner

Animal Abuse

Written by: Aavash Malla - 26001, Grade IX

Posted on: 31 May, 2022

Inflicting harm upon an animal physically, emotionally or even killing the animal mercilessly can be called animal abuse. Animal abuse can also be called as animal cruelty. There have been many laws made for the protection of animals but we humans have been ignoring it and are still abusing them. Animal abuse is illegal and we can even go to jail for it. Everyone has abused an animal once in their life even if that is a small scolding or physical hurt. Even as I’m speaking right now some animal in some part of the world is being bullied and killed. While we don’t need a specific reason to abuse an animal, the main reason for why a person abuses an animal is because the owner is not capable of taking care of the pet properly and as the owner is not able to fill the pet's necessities. The pets are often locked into cages not given food and water. The main reason why an animal is killed is for clothing and food purposes as for food meat is one of the most eaten food products in the world right now and as for clothing we kill animals for leather, wool, fur and make new clothes out of it and sell it to people. It is really sad to hear that millions of animals are being killed each day and we do not care about it and billions of animals each year. Pollution is also one of the main causes for which an animal is killed because due to pollution the animals get various types of diseases which can transmit from one animal to another animal. We should protect animals instead of abusing them. For example if we see a hurt animal we should take the animal to the vet and give them shelter, food and water. If we neglect animals we won't be able to create a better world in which animals and humans live together. Only pretending to help animals to post in social media is not actual help so we should also stop faking these scenarios as it doesn't help the animal but only you (your ego). If we see someone abusing the animal or killing the animal we should immediately complain that to the police. Over 10 million animals are killed in the US alone each year. Asia is the continent with the most animal abuse and kill rate. The most abused animals in the world are chickens for food purposes. An estimated 50 billion chickens are slaughtered for food every year. If we see animals getting abused then we should help them. We should spread awareness about animal abuse to people. Animal abuse is pretty common because people do not really care about animals. This is very wrong and people should realize it. No matter what happens animal abuse is not an excuse.