
Student Corner

Good Deeds

Written by: Rudrayani Shrestha - 30025, Grade V

Posted on: 31 May, 2022

Once upon a time there was a man named Raj. He was very rich. He had a big house. He kept many helpers in his home. His behavior was so rude. He had lots of money but he never helped anyone in a time of need. He had two daughters and one son. He sent his son to school but his daughters stayed at home doing household work. He thought that daughters were not supposed to be educated.

On the other hand, there was a man named Ganesh. Who lived near his house. He was so kind and helpful. Though, he was not rich, he was always ready to help others in need. He believed goodness comes from the heart. He also had one daughter and one son. He sent both his daughter and son to school. He always advised the villagers to treat their son and daughter equally. One day a fire broke into Ganesh's house. He lost everything in that incident. Luckily he and his family were safe. This incident didn't break Ganesh. With full faith, he started to rebuild all that he had lost.

Seeing his fighting spirit the villagers gathered together to support him except Raj. The villagers helped him by providing him with food, shelter, and clothing. They also collected money to rebuild his house. Ganesh was very happy and thanked all the villagers.

Almost after one month, a flood occurred at Raj's house, but because of his selfishness and arrogant behavior, no one was interested in helping him. Ganesh was the first to lend him a helping hand. Then villagers followed Ganesh's footsteps and came forward to help Raj. Raj learned a hard lesson that day. The people he had behaved and treated rudely were helping him and his family. He broke into tears and promised to change himself. Raj, thanked everyone and apologized for his previous behavior.

Moral: Always help others and give respect and take respect.