
Student Corner

Destruction Of The World

Written by: Aayotrie Chaudhary - 27019, Grade VIII

Posted on: 30 May, 2022

Well, it's official, the world is going to end!

Let me start from the beginning…

It was a normal day, well as normal as it could be for a kid that attends a school for spies. When suddenly my mouth got covered by a hand and I got dragged backwards, I didn't panic, this was normal protocol when someone was getting recruited for a mission.  

I get pulled into the head's office. She turns to look at me and starts to tell me about the mission. Syracuse NY. That's where I'll be sent. My instructions are simple, look after the little girl, don't get killed. Her name is Martha Simmons, she's about 6 years old and the daughter of a single dad who's a businessman. Apparently her dad got a rotten business where the people who he was serving… were a part of a secret organization, and not exactly a good one. The dad seems to think the organization is after his little girl so I'm in charge of taking care of her. A simple job really, I mean, how hard can it be?

So I get to the estate, and meet the little girl. She has dark brown hair, fair skin, and eyes as blue as the sky. Well, the sky on a good day, today it seems quite yellow. I shake the little girl's hand and smile at her. We go up to her room and she shows me a talent of hers. It seems she can copy just about anyone's voice. I look at her impressed as she does another impression, this time, of my voice. We went into another room but just as I walked in the door, before I knew it, everything went black.

I wake up in a dark room, my hands are tied and so are my feet. I also don't seem to have any more of my weapons. I don't panic. There must be other agents on the way. "I can't believe we trusted that old man" I think to myself angrily. "It should have been obvious it was a trap," I grumble, then I stop in the middle of my next complaint. Shouldn't the spy school have caught on if the old man was the bad guy? The door creaks open and I pretend to still be asleep. "Wake up," I hear, but it's not the old man's voice. I look up startled. Right in front of me is Martha, Martha Simmons, the little girl. I must have looked confused because she looked at me with a smirk on her face "you've fallen for the plan," she says with a chuckle. It clicks. The old man wasn't the bad guy she was, and she was good at hiding it, no one would expect a little frail girl to be the bad guy. Then blood drains from my face when I realize another thing, she could impersonate me. When she looked at my face of realization she laughed. This was all a fun joke for her. She turns around and leaves, it seems that all she went into the room for, was to look at my pitiful face and show me that she's won. I look around the room for anything, just anything, then I see it. On the brick wall there's one brick that looks off. I take my hunch and scoot over to the wall. When I got to a certain point , the floor collapsed under me. It's a mini elevator. When the elevator reaches the bottom it stops and I scoot the chair out , luckily on a table in the new room, there's a knife. I cut the ropes off and got up off the chair. I look westward to another wall and what I see horrifies me. 

It's a plan, an amazing plan, and what is the end result of the plan…..world destruction. So that's how we are right now, at this point, where I found out the world is gonna end. I start to panic. The plan seems perfect, how could I do anything?! A realization hits me. The plan on the board doesn't say anything about me finding out about it, which means, she hasn't planned for me to know her plan! I think hard, what can I do to stop this plan. A memory floods my brain. "If you're ever in danger always know there's a hidden area on your suit that is designed to never be seen or found unless told where it is,". I frantically find the area on my suit and press the button that's there. Suddenly, everything explodes. I didn't know what to expect when I hit that button but it wasn't exactly that. Just as smoke from the explosion starts to cloud my vision I see someone, my teammate! I don't know what happened next but I was told I fainted. When I woke up in the hospital I looked out the window, the world was still there. I guess that means I saved the world, at least for now.