
Student Corner

Story Of My Sibling

Written by: Eva Adhikari - 29012, Grade VI

Posted on: 30 May, 2022

Hi! I am Eva Adhikari and in this article I will tell you all about my siblings from the time when my parents surprised me that I was having a baby brother or sister. So now let's begin the story…

It was the night right before my 11th birthday. I was watching YouTube in my room when my parents called me to their room. I had no idea about what was going to happen. So I sat in their bed, they gave me a blindfold then they gave me a card. Then when I opened the card. First I thought my brother from Australia was coming to Nepal to visit but then my mum pointed something in the card which made me come in tears'' SIBLING'' When I first saw that word I was shocked. Having a sibling was my dream but I never thought it would ever come true. I was super excited.

Then after some months I badly wanted to know if I was having a baby sister or baby brother. My parents denied it. Then I got an idea to write a letter to the doctor. My letter went like this,

Dear doctor,

‘I wrote you this letter because I badly want to know if I am having a baby brother or baby sister. But my parents say it's illegal but I just wanted to mentally prepare myself for my sibling who is already on their way. So doctor can you please answer my curiosity? Thank You.

So the doctor said to my mum to bring your daughter here and said she would end my patience. So then I went to the hospital and it was a baby boy. I was kind of sad because I already had 9 cousin brothers and I am the only sister. But I was still happy at least I have a sibling.

Now it's time for my brother's birth. My mother went to the hospital 1 day earlier, which is on Baisakh 11. My baby brother was born on Baisakh 12 at exactly 3:30 P.M. I was crossing my fingers hoping everything will go smooth and it did. When he was born my father send me a picture he was the cutest little thing. Day after Baisakh 13, I went to the hospital but I was not allowed to hold him because he was born 1 month before he was supposed to be born. When he comes home I hold him for the 1st time. He was so tiny and cute. I never thought I would have my own baby brother. It's like a dream coming true. At least for me. My little brother will bring me 100 times more happiness. I love him till the moon and back and I will always do so. So this is my story about my baby brother.