
Student Corner

The Human in the Woods

Written by: Sampanna Dhungana - 30029, Grade V

Posted on: 27 May, 2022

There were two friends,  Ava and Noah. One day they decided to go to the forest for camping. They carried their necessary things and headed for the camping. When they reached the camping spot. They took a rest, drank water and ate food. The environment was fresh and there was a cool breeze. After half an hour Noah said, “Now let’s fix the tent.”  When they were setting things up, they saw a mysterious man running in the woods. At first, they thought it was only their illusion. They just ignored it and continued their work. After 10 minutes Ava said,” Noah, now I am going to collect some twigs, you just stay here”. Noah said “Okay, but don’t go too far.”  Now Noah was alone there fixing the things, he heard some queer noise from the back, when he turned back, he saw the pitch-black man standing, his eyes were white and his mouth was wide open, he looked so scary. Noha was frozen, then by the time Ava reached there with the bunch of woods. Ava stepped backward and asked Noha to hide inside the tent. Ava threw the bunch of twigs toward the man and screamed loudly, both of them hid inside the tent. After one hour when they came out of the tent there was no one, so then they started cooking. They made some barbie-Q too when they were just about to eat, they saw the same mysterious shadow running towards them without moving his legs. Noah and Ava started screaming, they ran, started the car and headed to the city. After a few days, they again came back to the same place in search of that mysterious man. They looked everywhere but the mysterious man was never found and it was an unsolved myth.