
Student Corner


Written by: Eshanee Manandar - 28004, Grade VII

Posted on: 27 May, 2022

The symbol of some objects, peace, and nature-

We just can’t stop being better and better,

Some may dislike whereas some may like,

But the thing we never do for who dislikes me is a fight.

Tells some really ugly and tells some very pretty,

Sometimes the pretty tells the ugly that they pity.

Each of these colors is differently rated,

But every one of those should be equally respected.

Colors really represent different things,

Represents seasons like summer and springs.

Each gives us different vibes and qualities,

But in the end, they have the same realities.

Each time it rains we go look out at the rainbow,

As always to see rainbows being formed.

Why are just 7 colors being formed though,

100 colors should be there or are it still low.

Wished to see me in a dream,

With all the colors being beside me,

It may seem like the rainbow I wanted,

I think God fulfilled my wish and responded.