
Student Corner

Being a 10th grader

Written by: Angel Dhimal - 25002, Grade X

Posted on: 26 May, 2022

I just remembered holding my mom so tight, tears filled in my eyes and not wishing for that one teacher to come near me and take me inside the school. It's already been more than 10 years. I used to go to kindergarten crying wanting my mom not to leave me with those teachers. Recalling those beautiful days of childhood, I feel like time flew by very fast. It feels like it was just yesterday when I used to sob every time my parents would take me to the gate of kindergarten but it's already been many years these eyes have stopped crying at the sight of the school gate. Holding mom's hand to go to kindergarten to walking school alone things changed as I grew up. 

When I was in 1 or 2 grade, seeing my seniors of grade 10 I wished to be in their place. Being in grade 10, being a senior was such a thing of pleasure. They were respected by the juniors.  After school I questioned my mom. Will I also be called a senior? Will I also be in grade ten? She gave a smile and said many more years until I reach grade 10. But those words many more years now don't feel like anything. My mom also had always told me never let your grades go down if you want to go in grade 10. Always make sure your grades and your studies are well. I think I could not make up for her words. Facing many ups and downs in my studies, the grades which went down disappointingly I completed my 9th grade. I am now a 10th grader. Everyday what I hear is, “Now you are in grade 10 you are grown up and not a child”. This sentence was said to me more than 10 times a day. I began feeling like what am I supposed to do? I know I am in grade 10 now. I have to study properly but saying that every time was not necessary. I used to think back then I was so eager to be in grade 10 and what was it for? Why did I want to be in grade 10 and be called a senior? Now I am in grade ten. I am a senior but now it doesn't please me. Because all I hear now is you are in grade ten don't act like a child don't use your devices as this year you are giving SEE. My grandparents disappointed me the most when I was with my cousins playing with them. They came and said “Now you are in grade ten you are not supposed to play so study and make your brother and sister study too”. I was like what is it that after being in grade 10 all I have to do is study? The day I questioned my mom about grade ten I didn't think that things would turn hard. I had never thought that after coming to grade ten all I had to hear was being a tenth grader this that… Yes I do agree that studies will get more difficult and we should work even harder but that does not mean that we should let go of relaxing once in a while.

I know being at the end of school life as a tenth grader is not easy. I have to study hard to get good grades in exams as everyone has very much expectations from me. I learned that whenever you get into a higher grades the more things you have to hear. The more life lessons will be given to you. Our parents scold us if they see us not studying properly because they have some kind of fear that we will not secure good marks. As we get older we have to hear a lot of things and all we should do is take it positively. My desire to be called a senior and be in tenth grade has been fulfilled. When your time comes you will be called senior you will be in your desired post is now what I think. I do feel proud to be called as a tenth grader. As I am growing up my responsibilities are also growing and now I must learn to do them properly. Being a 10th grader is not easy but I am in my last year of school wishing to make beautiful memories.