
Student Corner

Are We Ready To Accept Queer Community Yet?

Written by: Krishma Thapa - 27005, Grade VIII

Posted on: 26 May, 2022

Hello people! We are living in the 21st century and we are still not over people's gender and sexuality.

Racism , sexism and casteism, etc. still exists in this society . Mainly in the case of LGBTQ+ community they act weirdly and they prefer to stay away from such people who belong to this community. They think society may act or react if they stay with such people.

Even if Nepal has secured some basic rights for LGBTQ community, people are still bullying them. They are the same people who love to participate in Pride month and show solidarities in social networking sites. I mean isn’t it problematic just to have a double standard when in real life they don’t even care for how uncomfortable the queer people might feel with their homophobic actions and languages. 

Bl means boys’ love and GL means Girls’ love. It's still not digestible for the typical society to accept same-sex love, they still wonder, “How can same gender fall in love with each other?” So yes obviously the same gender can fall in love. In many other countries it is not a big problem to have such couples but in Nepal there still is.

We  might not be able to stop homophobic attitudes today but we can always be ready to unlearn such problematic attitudes so as to have a safe society for all people despite different genders, sexes, races and religions.