
Student Corner

Social Media: Bane or Boon?

Written by: Aarav BC - 25001, Grade X

Posted on: 24 May, 2022

Social Media are platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube where people can share their opinion, views and information. Nowadays everyone from children to old aged people use social media. According to some research done by people it is said that 85% of the world’s population use social media. So a lot of people use social media. But have we ever considered if the social media platforms we use are a bane or a boon? I particularly lean on to the side saying social media is a boon. Yes, it has many negative points but for me it is a boon.

I think that if social media had not existed then human life would be really hard or would not be simple as it is now. We humans would not be as civilized and developed if there was no social media. People used to send letters to their relatives 100 years back but because of social media we can just call or text anyone. Social Media also helps us to promote our or anyone’s businesses. So it is very very beneficial for us. It is a safe place where we can share our opinions, our ideas, our views but there are people who share false thoughts, news which is really bad. I think people who share fake information or violate the rules of  social media should be banned from it because spreading false news actually leads people to believe fake or false news. And they could share that particular news to their friends and families which could lead them to believe it as well. So fake news could lead many people to believe false information. So if the particular social media could ban them it would bring some consciousness to people not to spread fake news. 

With the help of social media, information can be obtained faster than ever, which is very helpful to us. If it was 200 years ago, to find out about anything or any topic people would have to find books for the particular topic. But today we can just go on Google and search for anything we want to know or get the information about. And 100 years into the future, who knows social media would be so advanced that we could touch people through screens. Technology will never stop developing. So life would surely be much easier than ever. Social media has really advanced our society. It also plays a great role in education. Research can be done by the students for their assignments which can make their assignments detailed and easier. So as per my view social media is a boon. Since views differ from person to person and other people might have different views than mine. Others might say that Social Media is a bane but to make others believe their view they must have logical reasons and facts to support their view. But I think social media is a boon since it is very beneficial and has made life much easier.