
Student Corner

Does alien life exist ?

Written by: Aarohan Timsina - 29057, Grade VI

Posted on: 24 May, 2022

Aliens have never been discovered. But that does not mean aliens don’t exist. There may be another civilization on another planet as there are many chances of that. There are many scientists that believe in this theory. There have also been a lot of ufo sightings lately. Some people even think that there are aliens living on earth as some people claim to have seen an alien. The scientists have also been studying space to find out if any other civilizations exist on some other planet. There also might be aliens living on the moon as some people who landed on the moon seemed to find something suspicious about it. Also some people claim to have seen some strange things there. If there is no life on the planets like the gas giants there might be life in their moons. Like in Enceladus, a moon of Saturn has an ocean present under a thick layer of ice so there could be life there similarly in Europa, a moon of Jupiter has a thick atmosphere so the living organisms have protection against the UV (Ultra Violent) rays of the sun. Scientists focus on alien life that would be similar to Earth life, there is always a chance they will be unexpectedly different. There are also a lot of planets in the Milky Way Galaxy alone and there are also a lot of planets that match some characteristics with Earth NASA calls those planets earth like planets. The first planet other than Earth that supports life was found in 2015 by a NASA spaceship . Previously in 2017 NASA found 7 earth like planets that might have alien life. The major things that we need to survive are water, food and oxygen so a planet like that might have life on it. Some planets might also have one of those characteristics and might have life on it. Like on mars there is water but all of it is frozen. A lot of planets have an atmosphere but they don’t have much oxygen for life to survive. There also have been a lot of attempts to search and communicate with aliens. In 1977 a spaceship called Voyager 1 was launched carrying a golden record for an alien civilization to listen to. If an alien civilization could find it it had a lot of languages, traditional songs, the sound that wind produces etc. it even carried the directions back to earth. The voyager one has already travelled 11 trillion miles but still it's nothing compared to the whole universe as the universe is way bigger. There are a lot of other attempts made but there is still no sign of aliens right now. But there is still a lot to explore so we cannot say that aliens don’t exist so the question comes to an end. Does alien life exist ? The answer is that we don’t know if it does or not but there is still hope. The universe is really big so there might be a chance.