
Student Corner

My Empathy

Written by: Yureka Adhikari - 29049, Grade VII

Posted on: 02 May, 2022

That one friend I trust so much,

The one I thought so true and such,

But now I cry at how they’ve hurt me,

How I was so foolish to never see,

They never cared about me,

I was another one who’d listen and give them what they wanted,

Attention, I say with tears rolling down my face feeling like they flaunted their problems and never listened.

How did I not notice the red flags,

How I was nothing more then someone who’d ask,

And ask about everything they said.

How did I not notice they made me hate myself,

Why did I care so much to never say earlier,

That they were killing me inside and I felt like they only cared about themselves,

Now what do I say, just cry in pain as everything gets blurry?

Do I accept that this is my fate to be hated,

Or do I accept the truth that they underappreciated,

My feelings matter too don’t they?

Or am I another person who smiles with all other emotions erased?


Am I important enough that no one else can treat me like a doormat and I’ll leave it alone ‘till I can’t handle it anymore,

Or do I deserve to feel proud of what I’ve achieved?

Do I let them stress me out like before,

Or do I finally calm down after feeling like I’ve been deceived,

Out of my empathy,

MY empathy.