
Student Corner

Peace is all a lie

Written by: Samyam Shrestha - 22012, Grade XII

Posted on: 26 April, 2022

How is it possible to live in a world without hope? Revolution has started, people are dying but there is no response of calm. Peace was all we wanted, but in return we got war. Obtaining peace is harder than preventing war. We go by saying ‘God will help us all’ , ‘there is still hope for peace’. But if the problems are created from ourselves, then why do you think God would help us? Just wasting time preparing for battle where we could be useful for the development of the whole world. But one voice can’t be raised as it gets suppressed from every side. 

We have heard nothing about their war and other stuff. We think about peace and harmony but it seems everything is a lie as thousands get killed every second. Peace is just the imagination , hell is the reality. People can’t ascend to heaven because we are already living in hell. How many do you think my men have sacrificed? Hundreds? Thousands ? millions ? You may be close but hundreds of thousands have been set and sacrificed just for a small thing called peace. We get compliments for doing a great job. But the greatest success was coming back home alive. Many soldiers have sacrificed for us to reach our homes. We won't forget their legends that would be passed down to others. As a commander who could have thought this day would have come that all of my men would die in an instant. How could they have left their family behind? The order was to work not to leave this world this quickly. Sadness and sorrow built up inside the heart but can’t express because who am i? Just a normal useless commander. 

High expectations from the higher up, those bastards can’t even fight properly, their authority of giving us orders are all useless. They just create the highway to hell for us. But still we have to protect them. For what? Randomly making us go to war? Keeping peace? Or forcing men to die? Thinking is just useless, working is only the option. Coal dust is all over my face. It wont go off how much I try, sweat has covered my whole body but still can’t see a day off. Wherever I see and go, orders and service is all they want, those bastards sleeping behind the chairs getting protection is what pisses everyone off. Working 24 hours non-stop can be such a pain but serving the people in the nation is one pride of these men. Our motherland is more than heaven. Even though bad mouthing is done, we still love it the same as our life. Every soldier feels the same yet has to distance themselves from their motherland just to protect their families from hell. In the years of service, I salute all the members who have sacrificed their lives for this place. Even though we couldn’t do anything but will be remembered in everyone’s mind as the heroes of this country. The era will change but the war will never change. Death is inevitable, war is unplanned but we soldiers fight both of those not remembering what will be the outcome. 

We are hit, the armor deck has been penetrated, turrets went stale, it can't reach the enemy, a side of ammunition has exploded, slowly everything is flooding. The dream of making this country a better place is going down the water. I hope this world will get a second chance. So till the last breath we will still be this country's standing pride.